I'm Rita, I'm 15, I dig art and aspire to be an artist

Saturday 8 February 2014

Queen Of Hearts

I love love love Tim Burton and Alice In Wonderland is a work of art. I've used this colouring page here to train some colouring around the computer.

Friday 27 December 2013

La La La La

When I was younger, one of my dreams was to be a ballerina. I had quite a few childhood dreams I never told my parents about (I don't know why) and thats the reason why I never got to make this one a reality, I suppose!! But ballerinas are so pretty and delicate and I really love to draw them, so here it goes, another digital drawing. I never make many digital ones but sometimes I really feel like it and once in a while it kinda looks decent!!

Friday 20 December 2013

WIPs everywhere

The sketch of a Hula dancer

This is how the hula dancer is coming out since I wanna make a paper work out of it

A fluffy American Bison

An adorable punk dude

I have a few WIPs going on right now... It's always the same, I can never finish anything but I love all of these. Basically, I really think Hula dancers are very pretty and it makes me think of Lilo from Lilo And Stitch and the whole Hawaiian vibe is so great, I love it (and the size of my love for Disney is so huge that is scary so yes, it always make me think of Lilo); Bisons are so cute, so fluffy and huge, I love animals; and PUNKS I FUCKING LOVE PUNKS dude.
Hope you like these doodles!!

Monday 16 December 2013

I'd Rather Be Dead Than Cool

(the photos kinda suck, I know, I know)

Wooow, I didn't post here been a long time. This has been taking me my life... Just kidding, school has been taking me a lot of time but now I'm almost in the Christmas break, which gives me time to make stuff I actually like, like art. Here I bring another Kurt Cobain sort of tribute I made and it's really recent, I literally made it on Saturday and I really like how it came out. It just amused me to do the painting since I was in the mood to paint Kurt again been ages, so the process was amazing. This time I just inspired myself in a Nirvana song I really like, this one is Stay Away, which has, in the lyrics, "I'd rather be dead than cool" and "God is gay". Hope you like it.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

OC: Rochelle?

Liiiittle peek of an original character I've been working on. Maybe I'll name her Rochelle, although I'm not sure about it. 


Monday 11 November 2013

On the beach

I don't draw on my drawing tablet (which I named Stefano) as much as I should because I don't feel like I have very good skills. All in all, sometimes i practise and ha, good things come. I mean, maybe not good, but things I like. So here it goes, a very-not-comfortable-pretty-lady on the beach.


Saturday 9 November 2013

A WIP... And another one and another one

For school, we are supposed to make a self portrait as Amedeo Modigliani would do. Mine isn't Modigliani AT ALL oh my


Attempt to draw Green Day... so far so failed 
Plus, the paper looks weird after erasing everything so many times!!

Ampliation work. The original one is right here, the artist is awesome!!

Death and epiphanies.

I don't know what I'm doing around in this drawing but I'm loving it.

