I'm Rita, I'm 15, I dig art and aspire to be an artist

Monday 16 December 2013

I'd Rather Be Dead Than Cool

(the photos kinda suck, I know, I know)

Wooow, I didn't post here been a long time. This has been taking me my life... Just kidding, school has been taking me a lot of time but now I'm almost in the Christmas break, which gives me time to make stuff I actually like, like art. Here I bring another Kurt Cobain sort of tribute I made and it's really recent, I literally made it on Saturday and I really like how it came out. It just amused me to do the painting since I was in the mood to paint Kurt again been ages, so the process was amazing. This time I just inspired myself in a Nirvana song I really like, this one is Stay Away, which has, in the lyrics, "I'd rather be dead than cool" and "God is gay". Hope you like it.

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