I'm Rita, I'm 15, I dig art and aspire to be an artist

Friday 27 December 2013

La La La La

When I was younger, one of my dreams was to be a ballerina. I had quite a few childhood dreams I never told my parents about (I don't know why) and thats the reason why I never got to make this one a reality, I suppose!! But ballerinas are so pretty and delicate and I really love to draw them, so here it goes, another digital drawing. I never make many digital ones but sometimes I really feel like it and once in a while it kinda looks decent!!

Friday 20 December 2013

WIPs everywhere

The sketch of a Hula dancer

This is how the hula dancer is coming out since I wanna make a paper work out of it

A fluffy American Bison

An adorable punk dude

I have a few WIPs going on right now... It's always the same, I can never finish anything but I love all of these. Basically, I really think Hula dancers are very pretty and it makes me think of Lilo from Lilo And Stitch and the whole Hawaiian vibe is so great, I love it (and the size of my love for Disney is so huge that is scary so yes, it always make me think of Lilo); Bisons are so cute, so fluffy and huge, I love animals; and PUNKS I FUCKING LOVE PUNKS dude.
Hope you like these doodles!!

Monday 16 December 2013

I'd Rather Be Dead Than Cool

(the photos kinda suck, I know, I know)

Wooow, I didn't post here been a long time. This has been taking me my life... Just kidding, school has been taking me a lot of time but now I'm almost in the Christmas break, which gives me time to make stuff I actually like, like art. Here I bring another Kurt Cobain sort of tribute I made and it's really recent, I literally made it on Saturday and I really like how it came out. It just amused me to do the painting since I was in the mood to paint Kurt again been ages, so the process was amazing. This time I just inspired myself in a Nirvana song I really like, this one is Stay Away, which has, in the lyrics, "I'd rather be dead than cool" and "God is gay". Hope you like it.